Phoebe Stuckes + Katie Meehan + open mic – 11th October 2024

Doors open at 8pm for an 8:30pm start. Tickets are £5 or £4 for concessions (and open mic readers!) Tickets available here or on the door.

Phoebe Stuckes is a writer from Somerset. Her writing has appeared in The Poetry Review, The Rialto, The North and Ambit among others. Her pamphlet, Gin & Tonicwas published by The Poetry Business and shortlisted for The Michael Marks Award. She has been awarded an Eric Gregory Award and The Geoffrey Dearmer Prize. Her first full-length collection, Platinum Blonde was published by Bloodaxe Books in 2020 and was highly commended by The Forward Prizes. Her most recent pamphlet The One Girl Gremlin was published by Verve in 2021. Her first novel Dead Animals is due from Sceptre books in April.